
 I.  目的

这些程序是为了执行最全菠菜网院董事会的 财政紧急和减员政策.

II.  适用范围及适用性


3.  定义

A.  所有大写术语应具有保险单中规定的含义.

B.  另外,以下术语的定义如下:

1.  AVP LRM是学习资源管理的副总裁.

2.  CCFPO是首席合规和公平实践官.

3.  CEIDO是首席公平、包容和多元化官.

4.  EDHR是人力资源部的执行董事.

5.  Furlough is the placement of an employee on a temporary leave of absence without pay or reduction of work hours or days with a proportionate reduction in pay for a specified period of time.

6.  GC是学院的总法律顾问.

7.  Job category is a broad-based group of employees with comparable job responsibilities located at comparable levels of responsibility within the college.

8.  校长指的是学院的校长.

9.  单位是学院的一个部门、项目或单位.

10.  VP是学院的任何一位副校长(统称为“VP”)。.

IV.  一般要求

A.  The president or designee will monitor enrollment projections and reports; financial projections and reports; institutional, departmental and program needs; levels of service; staffing requirements; and the general financial health of the college.

B.  Tenured faculty may only be separated pursuant to a RIF if the board declares a financial exigency in accordance with the Policy or in accordance with the college manual or applicable policies and procedures.

V.  裁减兵力

A.  If the president or designee becomes aware of information that may lead to the conclusion that the college is facing a financial exigency, 总统将与副总统们讨论财政紧急情况的可能性.

B.  在与副总裁协商后,总统可以任命一个特别工作组来制定RIF计划.

1.  特别工作组将包括副总裁, EDHR, CEIDO, GC, AVP LRM和每个选区的主席.

2.  除了, 总统可以任命其他有知识的雇员加入工作组, 帮助团队发展RIF计划的技能或信息.

3.  总统将从特别工作组中选出一名成员担任特别工作组主席.

4.  在制定RIF计划时, members of the task force will keep the matters under consideration confidential and will be required to sign a confidentiality statement that the matters discussed by the task force will not be shared with anyone who is not a member of the task force.

C.  特别工作组将向总统提出建议,说明需要实现的总体节省,以抵御财政紧急情况.

D.  工作组应评估哪些单位和服务是至关重要的,以实现学院的使命和愿景, 使用所有可用数据, 包括入学趋势, 学生保留趋势, 学生/教师比例, 成本和遵守州和联邦法律法规, 以及认证和执照要求.

E.  工作组应根据学院的使命,就哪些单位和服务应优先考虑向校长提出建议, 愿景, 战略计划.

F.  考虑节省成本或增加收入的措施

1.  The task force will consider all reasonable cost saving or revenue enhancing measures to avoid conducting a RIF or minimize the number of employees impacted by a RIF, 包括但不限于并无特定顺序:

a.  冻结空缺职位或消除空缺

b.  冻结人事以外的预算项目

c.  Reducing the number of positions in a Unit through natural attrition and only filling vacancies required for continuation of programs or services

d.  消除位置, 重新分配员工, 减少时间, 修改工资, 或者重新分类职位

e.  解雇员工

f.  提供自愿退休或离职激励

g.  允许员工无薪休假

h.  终止试用和/或临时雇员

i.  Retraining and/or transferring of employees in impacted units to vacant positions in another unit if the employee meets minimum qualifications for the vacant position

j.  减少大学对学生活动的资助

k.  改变学术项目范围或减少课程设置

l.  改变工作时间或工作分配

m.  增加分数契约的数量(例如.g.(9个月或10个月的合同,而不是年度合同),工资按比例减少

n.  减少附加福利,包括医疗保险

o.  增加员工福利保费成本份额

p.  限制或暂停休假、晋升或加薪

q.  从其他来源寻求额外收入

r.  加大招生力度

s.  增加班级规模或提高开设班级部分所需的最低注册人数

t.  出售大学资产

u.  实施任何其他可能节省成本或产生收入的策略

2.  These measures may be implemented in an attempt to avoid a RIF or may be implemented simultaneously with a recommendation for a RIF in order to reduce the impact on employees.

3.  The RIF plan shall include all measures attempted or recommended to occur simultaneously and a projected level of cost-savings or revenue generation.

G.  如果特遣部队确定RIF无法避免, the task force should consider an equal or proportionate impact on various employee groups when developing its recommendations for the number of employees by job category needed to provide the prioritized programs and services.

1.  The EDHR will develop a list of employees that is grouped according to the job categories by grade; within these job categories, 根据需要,也可以进行更小的分组.

2.  The task force shall make recommendations for the number of positions by job category that should be restructured or eliminated in each unit.

H. 工作组应向总裁提出建议,供其考虑, 各单位按工种调整或裁撤的岗位数量,由院长决定.

I.  建议重组或取消的工作类别的职位总数将包括在RIF计划中.

J.  RIF列表

1.  VPs的, EDHR and appropriate administrators will create a proposed RIF list that includes the names and job titles of those employees whose positions are recommended for restructuring or elimination.

2.  这个建议的RIF清单将不包括在RIF计划中.

3.  EDHR将根据在学院的服务年限列出同一单位内受影响工作类别的员工.

a.  服务年限由最初在学院从事符合福利条件职位的工作日期决定, 更少的故障.

b.  公休假, 带薪休假, 根据《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》批准的休假将不被视为离职.

4.  在决定哪些员工的职位将被重组或取消时,将考虑以下因素:

a.  在学院的服务年限;

b.  Performance evaluations within the previous three (3) years; and

c.  员工在关键项目或服务中所表现出的特殊技能.

5.  虽然绩效可能被认为是决定哪些员工将受到RIF影响的一个因素, 如果员工的不满意表现没有得到适当的记录,RIF不得用作解雇员工的手段.

6.  EDHR将把提议的RIF清单提交主席审议.

7.  The president will review and make any changes to the proposed RIF列表 to ensure that it aligns with the number of positions identified to be restructured or eliminated in the RIF plan and make any changes the president deems necessary.

K.  总统将向理事会预算委员会提交RIF计划.

L.  总统将决定是否建议董事会宣布财政紧急状态,如果是的话, 会向董事会提出建议吗.

M.  RIF通知

1.  如果董事会宣布有财政紧急情况, 工作组将最终确定RIF名单,并提交总统批准.

2.  一旦获得批准, the EDHR will provide supervisors with a list of the names and titles for the employees that report to the supervisors who are on the RIF list.

3.  Supervisors and a representative from Human Resources shall meet with each employee impacted by the RIF to notify the employee(s) of the restructuring or elimination of the positions.

4.  RIF的书面通知, RIF的原因, and the limited grounds for appeal of employment decisions made as part of a RIF (as set forth below) shall be provided at the time of the meeting.

5.  如果RIF包括取消员工的职位, 学院应至少提前三十(30)个日历日通知每位受影响的员工, 或法律规定的适用期限, 哪个长一点, 在通知和实施RIF之间.

a.  由学院自行决定, 受影响的员工可能会在部分或全部通知期内被安排带薪行政休假.

b.  如果被安排行政休假, 受影响的员工将继续获得休假, 如果适用的话, 在通知期内,但不需要报到工作.

6.  如果有资金的话, the college may provide access to the employee assistance program or outplacement services for any employee whose position is eliminated pursuant to the RIF, 书面通知将包括员工如何获得此类服务的信息.

7.  Each employee whose position is eliminated pursuant to the RIF shall receive information on continuation of health benefits (COBRA) in the mail as required by law.

 N.  上诉

1.  作为RIF的一部分作出的决定不受学院申诉程序的约束,通常不可上诉.

2.  An employee whose employment status is changed as a result of a RIF may appeal solely on the grounds that the college deviated from these procedures in a clear and significant way and that if followed, 结果可能会有所不同.

3.  The employee (“appellant”) must submit an appeal in writing to the CCFPO or designee within five (5) working days after receiving the written notification of the change in employment status and must state the clear and significant deviation(s) from the procedures alleged to have occurred and how the outcome(s) would have been different if the procedures had been followed.

4.  CCFPO应将上诉副本发送给负责监督上诉人职位的副总裁(“被上诉人”)。. 被上诉人将在收到上诉后的五(5)个工作日内向CCFPO提交书面答复.

5.  的CCFPO, 在CCFPO的裁量权下, 可否与任何可能掌握有关资料的证人面谈,或向上诉人收集文件,以进行调查, 被上诉人或者其他可能掌握相关信息的人.

6.  的CCFPO will render a written decision within five (5) working days of concluding the investigation and send it to the appellee and appellant.

a.  如果CCFPO或指定人员发现有利于上诉人, CCFPO或指定人员将制定适当的补救措施.

b.  如果CCFPO或指定人员发现有利于被上诉人, the change in employment status shall be effective two (2) weeks from the date of the written appeal decision is sent or the effective date of the change in employment status in the RIF notification, 以较晚的为准.

7.  如果CCFPO需要更多的时间进行调查或作出决定, the CCFPO shall notify the appellant and appellee in writing and provide an estimate for when the investigation and decision will be completed.   

程序名称: 财政紧急和减员程序

政策类别: 行政、商业和财政事务

政策的所有者: 总统

策略管理员: 学习资源管理副总裁

联系信息: Melissa Beardmore; mabeardmore@ese-design.com; 410-777-2532

批准日期: 2021年7月19日

有效日期: 2021年7月19日

历史: N/A

适用于: 所有员工

相关政策: 财政紧急和减员政策

相关程序: N/A

形式/指南: N/A

相关法律: N/A